Attention: Some of you may have received a text about insurance for your loan with a misspelled name or incorrect contact number. We sincerely apologize for any confusion. The text was legitimate, but the information was not presented correctly. The texting vendor has corrected the error for any future texts. Please contact member services if you have any questions.

Share Savings

Have more to share with a Share Savings account.

The more you share with us, the more we share with you — paying out competitively higher dividend rates on balances of $250 or more.

At Ark Valley Credit Union we are part of the community. In fact, you’re part owner. Join today when you open a Share Savings account for just a $5 minimum deposit.

Share Savings


  • Earn competitively high dividends, paid quarterly
  • Higher dividend rates to reward higher balance tiers
  • No monthly service fee
  • Free E-Statements