Attention: Some of you may have received a text about insurance for your loan with a misspelled name or incorrect contact number. We sincerely apologize for any confusion. The text was legitimate, but the information was not presented correctly. The texting vendor has corrected the error for any future texts. Please contact member services if you have any questions.

Become a Member

Become part of something bigger – Join today!

Join Ark Valley Credit Union today when you deposit $5 into a Share Savings account. We invite you to become a member if any of the following applies to you:
  • I live or work in Butler County, KS
  • I live or work in CowleyCounty, KS
  • I  live or work in Chautauqua County, KS
  • I  live or work in Sumner County, KS
  • I live or work in Elk County, KS
  • I am an immediate family member of a current Ark Valley Credit Union member.

Start a banking relationship that puts you first. Join today!

We put our members first

Notice we don’t say customer? That is because at Ark Valley Credit Union, you’re a member. One member, one vote. We take care of our members — with an amazing volunteer Board of Directors, devoting time for you and this credit union — not to mention, better rates than just about anyone on the block. So what are you waiting for, huh?

Family matters at Ark Valley Credit Union

Come join our family if you’re an immediate family member of a current Ark Valley Credit Union member. That includes spouses, siblings or stepsiblings, children or stepchildren, parents or stepparents, and grandparents or grandchildren!