Loan Rates

(Effective 01/2/2025)

Secured Loans (Auto, Motorcycle, ATV, Boat, RV, Motorhome) 

**Rates "As low As" Lowest possible APR* based on credit background for qualified borrowers.

Loans Interest Rate* APR* Term
*New Vehicle – 2022 and Newer
Ex: $15,000 @ 5.99% for 60 months = $291.00
5.99 5.99 60
*New Vehicle – 2022 and Newer
Ex: $21,000 @ 6.49% for 72 months = $354.00
6.49 6.49 72

*New Vehicle – 2022 and Newer
Ex: $26,000 @ 6.99% for 84 months = $393.00

6.99 6.99 84
*Used Vehicle 2021- 2018
Ex: $15,000 @ 7.00% for 60 months = $294.00
6.50 6.50 60
*Used Vehicle 2017- Older
Ex: $15,000 @ 7.75% for 48 months = $365.00
7.75 7.75 48

Home Equity Loan

**Home Equity Loan: Fixed Rate
Ex: $30,000 @ 6.99% for 240 months = $233.00.
6.99 6.99 Max 240
**Home Equity Loan: Variable Rate
Ex: $30,000 @ 7.85% for 240 months = $249.00.
*VHR *VHR Max 240

*See CU for Current Rate
**Term determined by dollar amount financed. See CU for details.

Signature Loan

Ex: $6,000 @ 10% for 36 months = $194.

10.00 10.00 36

Share Secured Loans

(rate based on interest earned +2%) +2.00 +2.00 12

Rates are subject to change.